Christine Bebo
8 min readNov 18, 2023

My Angel of Love

Tassy heartbrokenly walked to the bar to take something to ease her pain but fate had something in store for her that night, she met someone who could change her life, her guardian angel, was she going to break the celibacy oath she had just taken after three heartbreaks?

She was in a bad state in a bar, her eyes reflecting all the pains caused by repeated betrayal, humiliation, and heartbreaks. The man observed her without saying or doing anything, he pitied her. Something strange, maybe something like a magnet pulled her towards him. She had just sworn that she was done with men but that particular one was just irresistible. Conflicted about what her heart wants and what her brain thinks, she approached him. What is going on in her mind? The man surprisedly watched her staggering towards him and wondered if everything was okay with her. Struggling to maintain her balance, she moved closer and leaned towards him to plant a kiss on his lips, who does that? Who kisses a stranger just like that! ‘

No, no, she’s just too drunk,’ the man thought. But he was even surprised by his actions, he didn’t pull away or try to stop her, instead, he felt weak and closed his eyes in anticipation of a kiss.

Then suddenly something landed on his lips, something wet, he could feel it, ‘but wait, how come I don’t feel her lips on mine!’ he wondered while touching his lips, his hand touched something sticky, wait, it smelled too. Gosh! she puked! The lady puked on my lips! He shouted in his mind, then as if he just realized something, he turned towards the girl quickly and noticed that she was stumbling over chairs, he forgot about the puke on his lips and quickly turned to her.

“Are you okay?”

The girl heard his gentle voice from afar, she was not fully conscious, something must be wrong.

‘Is he really worried about me? Please just let me pass out, perhaps that is what I need, staying conscious is too much for me.’ she said in her mind.

The man moved closer as quickly as possible and touched her face, she shivered when his hand rubbed against her soft skin. “OMG, she passed out’’, he lifted her quickly, put her in his car before ordering his driver to start the engine.

In a luxurious bed room, in a king size bed, a girl is lying delicately, her pretty face looks peaceful, she’s dressed in a nice light pink pajamas and covered well with a cream white duvet. on a coach in the same room a guy is lying, just lying, not sleeping, eyes wide open, he seems to be shifting a lot in the coach perhaps not comfortable or perhaps restraining himself from doing something. He glanced at the watch in his hand then sits up, he looks at the large bed and sees the tiny figure lying delicately yet peacefully in it then he sighs. He gets out of the room and heads towards the kitchen at least to make some coffee to clear up his head, goodness knows what series of thoughts were going on his mind.

The girl turned in bed, half asleep and half awake she noticed the bed was larger than her usual one, she opened her eyes only to find herself in a totally strange room, '’aaaaaagh!’' she screamed, of course, the guy heard her and came to the room, a tray in hand, in the tray there are sandwiches, a cup of coffee and some slices of fruits, it’s breakfast!

Meanwhile the girl scrutinized the room before looking at her body which was fitted perfectly inside beautiful and expensive pajamas. “what is this place? is it a hotel? noway it cannot be a hotel,” she thinks. Then she remembered what had happened to her at the bar, of course she only remembered a few details. Her thoughts are rudely interrupted by a gentle yet cold voice. “ Good morning, I brought you breakfast.” the man said.

“OMG, I really spent a night in a strange man’s house, is he the one who changed me into the PJs, what else happened, how can I be so reckless, did I break the oath?” a myriad of questions crossed her mind.

“Don’t worry nothing happened, I’m not a kind of man who takes advantage of sad drunk girls,” as if he read her mind he answered.
'’Who is this and why did he help me? To other men I don’t seem to matter, but to this stranger I ... No he was just trying to do the right thing, I could have done the same. She thought then continued
“Did you change me into the PJs?” she asked innocently
“Yes, he answered without raising his head to look at her. He sensed the look on her face, then assured her quickly, you puked on your clothes so you needed to be bathed and changed...”
Before he could finished the girl exclaimed, “Oh my god did you wash me too?’’, she covered her face in embarrassment.
He watched her actions and smiled in his head, ‘how cute’ he thought.
Then he moved closer to her, put the tray of breakfast on a coffee table in the room then moved even closer, he climbed up the bed with one leg while the other remained on the floor, he knelt on one knee on the bed then inched closer to her. Her dark brown hair are messed up since she had just woken up, some strand of hair were on her face, he stretched out his long slender fingers and tucked the hair behind her ear, her face instantly turned red, out of embarrassment she covered them and lowered her head, he noticed it and didn’t want to make her more uncomfortable, he moved towards her ears, so close to her, she could feel his warm breathe against the skin of her ears, she shivered and her abdominal muscles stiffened while her face was burning hot, then he whispered calmly on her ear, “I’m not the one who bathed you, it was my maid.”
Of course she heard the whisper which was supposed to calm her down but ironically it did not, she was jealous of him, 'how can he still be so calm when all these weird things were happening to her all thanks to him? She’d never felt this way even though her delicate heart have been broken thrice.
Now she is in a room with a strange guy who helped her last night when she was in a total mess and she’s now having weirdest feelings in this man’s room.
She stayed in the same position, did not react after hearing his answer, in fact the reactions that she was having just intensified, she could feel the warmth of his body passing against hers as he retreats back, the feelings are becoming unbearable, she could not face up, finally she could not take it anymore, she jumped out of the bed without facing up then rushed to a small room which she guessed was the bathroom.
The man looked at her with surprise written all over his face, he found her even more attractive acting that way.

When she got to the bathroom, she was so mad at herself that she felt like screaming, first she went out to drink and was so wreckless that she drunk too much, then she ended up spending a night in a strangers house and now she is having weird feelings for the him. She looked herself in the mirror and as soon as she saw her reflection, she was so surprised, she didn’t have the dark circles that she’s been having since the heartbreaks, for the first time she seemed to have slept peacefully, but why? She thought about the man in the room and her face turned red, she slapped it twice before turning on the shower to rinse it. “How can I have these feelings? I took an oath to be a celibate, besides he’s just like the other men, sober up Tassy, think about the celibacy.” she told herself.

Mickey sat on the couch still thinking of what has just happened. ‘Why did she suddenly rushed to the bathroom?’ he asked himself, then thinking of the bathroom, he noticed that she’s been gone for too long. He was worried about her which is very strange. He rushed towards the bathroom but stopped halfway. ‘Why am I so concerned about her? She’s just like other girls, just capable of breaking people’s hearts’. He thought.

Tassy washed herself up, combed her messy hair and tied them into a ponytail then she decided to finally come out of the bathroom, but as soon as she opened the door, she bumped into a tall towering figure, she expected to fall down but that didn’t happen as she felt a pair of strong hands around her waist, she felt heat from this figure radiating to her body and the hair on her stood she could feel her body stiffening and her heart racing

Mickey embraced the petite delicate figure that had just bumped into him, his hands were now holding her tiny waist and her head was resting on his chiseled broad chest, he could feel her breathe against the skin of his chest, for some reason, his heart was racing and his body was having series of electric like reactions. His hands moved down towards her hips and her muscles twitched, he grazed even further down her hips and she snapped back to her senses and retreated. “What are you doing?” she asked trying to avoid his gaze.
“But I did not do anything, you bumped into me,” he answered coldly without any expression on his face.
Tassy looked at him and was angered by the fact that he didn’t have any emotions on his face. ‘How can it be? I can barely look at him in the face when talking to him, yet he can still maintain eye contact with me without struggling to hide his emotions, I’m crazy’ she complained in her mind.
“I made breakfast, have something before you leave,” Mickey said still standing on the spot.
‘Leave? Oh, of course, I have to leave, I guess I don’t need to be saved anymore, besides he was just being human by helping me’, she thought
“By the way who are you?’’she asked’’

“Mickey.’' he answered
He saw the surprised look on her face and understood what she was thinking.
'That name sounds familiar I think I’ve heard it somewhere, but where?
Then she remembered something, she had heard that name before, in fact, it belonged to someone very mysterious, he was the talk of the town and rumors had it that he was the most handsome man in the country, he was also from a prestigious family. His family is the most powerful in the country, but people share names, just because his name is Mickey doesn’t mean he’s the same, Mickey. Tassy glanced at him again but this time she didn’t shift her gaze quickly, she needed to look at that face one more time because she might not see him again, but she wanted to remember him forever, she didn’t want to forget anything about him, his tall towering figure, his long neck, his raspy voice, and his scent, she wanted all those to remain in her mind forever. She was surprised to find his face more handsome than she imagined, she’s been avoiding making eye contact with him, which is why she didn’t notice how handsome his facial features were. She remembered her ex-best friend Neema telling her about seeing Mickey face to face for the first time, her friend had a crush on him, and she adored him, but why was she thinking about all this? This was not that mysterious Mickey, it was just a coincidence that he had the same name.

Christine Bebo

Born and live in Kenya, passionate about writing, creating stories.